Friday, December 17, 2021

About my self

 I am Sultan Gias  Uddin. I am a professional freelancer and digital marketer at fiverr. Actually I don't think the term 'Professional' is applicable for me right now.   In fact , I am dreaming of building my own career in freelancing. How to come to this profession ? This is an important question for me. I worked in a finance and account department at a company for 11 years.  But during the corona epidemic, the company ran into various problems. In this situation the job has to be given up. But then I couldn't decided what to do? Suddenly one day I saw an advertisement on social media that it is possible to earn money through freelancing. I liked the matter very much. Then I started more studies on this subject.  That's how it started. I am still beginner. For this  i am spending all my talent, labour and time. I am convinced that I will succeed at any cost Inshaallah.

About my self

 I am Sultan Gias  Uddin. I am a professional freelancer and digital marketer at fiverr. Actually I don't think the term 'Profession...